Refine & Restore: Expert Correction of Cosmetic Injectable Treatments

If you have previously received cosmetic injectables and are experiencing concerns, complications, or dissatisfaction with the results, it is important to seek professional medical advice. At Karratha Medical Centre, Dr Amir Waly provides evidence-based treatments to address concerns related to past cosmetic procedures, ensuring your safety and optimal outcomes.

Cosmetic injectables, such as dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxers, are widely used for aesthetic enhancement. While most treatments are safe and effective when administered correctly, some individuals may experience side effects, unwanted results, or a desire to reverse or modify previous treatments. Managing these concerns requires a careful assessment by a qualified medical professional who understands both the aesthetic and medical aspects of cosmetic procedures.

How Can Previous Cosmetic Injectables Be Treated?

Treatment options depend on the type of cosmetic injectable used and the specific concern. If you have received dermal fillers and wish to dissolve them, a medication known as hyaluronidase may be used in cases where hyaluronic acid-based fillers are present. This enzyme helps break down the filler safely under medical supervision.

For concerns related to wrinkle relaxers, including uneven results or excessive effect, careful monitoring and, in some cases, additional adjustments may be necessary. The effects of these treatments generally wear off over time, but if medical complications arise, specific treatment may be required.

Common reasons individuals seek treatment for previous cosmetic injectables include:

  • Dissatisfaction with the aesthetic result

  • Asymmetry or uneven results

  • Persistent swelling or lumps from dermal fillers

  • Overcorrection or under correction of facial features

  • Adverse reactions, including persistent redness, tenderness, or discomfort

Each case is unique, and Dr Amir Waly will conduct a thorough consultation to determine the best course of action based on your individual needs and medical history.

Is It Safe to Treat Previous Cosmetic Injectables?

Patient safety is always the priority. Any treatment to modify or correct previous cosmetic injectables must be performed by a qualified medical professional with experience in aesthetic medicine. Dr Amir Waly follows the latest clinical guidelines and evidence-based practices to ensure safe and effective management of previous treatments. Before any corrective procedure, a detailed consultation will be conducted to assess your health, previous treatments, and desired outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dermal fillers be removed completely?

Yes, hyaluronic acid-based fillers can be dissolved using hyaluronidase. However, other types of fillers may not be reversible and require different management strategies.

How long does it take to correct a previous cosmetic injectable treatment?

The timeframe varies depending on the treatment required. Some concerns can be addressed immediately, while others may require gradual correction over weeks or months.

Are there risks involved in correcting previous injectables?

As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks, including temporary swelling, redness, or allergic reactions. These risks are minimised when treatment is provided by a qualified medical professional.

Do I need to wait before correcting previous cosmetic injectables?

In some cases, it may be advisable to wait for a certain period before attempting correction to allow the previous treatment to settle. Dr Amir Waly will assess your individual situation and provide tailored advice.

Can I have new injectables after dissolving previous fillers?

Yes, but it is essential to wait until the area has healed before considering new treatments. A consultation will determine the appropriate timing for any further cosmetic procedures.

If you are considering treatment for previous cosmetic injectables, contact Karratha Medical Centre to book a consultation with Dr Amir Waly. Your concerns will be carefully assessed, and a personalised treatment plan will be developed to achieve safe and satisfactory results.

Book a Consultation

If you are considering treatment, we welcome you to book a consultation. Our priority is to provide ethical, medically appropriate care tailored to your needs.

For more information, visit these reputable sources:

Disclaimer: Any treatment requires a medical consultation. Individual results may vary. This information is general in nature and does not replace professional medical advice.